Virginia "Ginny" McClintock Petru is a professional marketing practitioner who created PETRU & ASSOCIATES to fill a unique niche in the marketplace.
By using her vast experience in marketing communications and a network of independent contractors, PETRU & ASSOCIATES enables small and medium-sized businesses the ability to benefit from the full gamut of marketing services without the cost of an employee or agency.
Clients have a one-stop shop for "all things marketing" including concept creation, copy-writing, press relations, graphic design, and sales support.
In one day we can be creating a personalized Powerpoint presentation, uploading a press release for wire release, creating an animated web banner, and submitting artwork for a sales brochure.
Ginny brings over 20 years of experience in the development and implementation of all types of external and internal communication to bear on the projects she directs for P&A clients. Her breadth of experience is impressive:
During her years with two of the world's largest public relations agencies -- Burson-Marsteller and Ruder Finn & Rotman -- her client list included Procter & Gamble, American Brands' Mr. & Mrs. "T" Cocktail Mixes, 3M, Rusty Jones, Inc. and the National Frozen Pizza Institute (Pillsbury, Jeno's, Quaker Oats and Tombstone).
Prior to agency work, she developed and implemented fund-raising efforts for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Northern Illinois Chapter.