501.372.6677 Little Rock
501.623.7742 Hot Springs
CIMS presents the quality management standard for the cleaning industry, a first-of-its-kind tool that may be used as a basis of comparison. Implementation of the Standard’s elements affords an organization a tremendous opportunity to validate its management systems and processes.
Professional, customer-focused cleaning organizations finally have a touchstone resource, a common rallying point around which all members of the industry can gather and work toward achieving an unprecedented level of professionalism and excellence.
CIMS and CIMS-GB were created through a true consensus-based process, involving top organizations from the cleaning, facility management, and purchasing communities, in a true collaborative effort representing more than 100,000 industry constituents.
Administered by ISSA® and the American Institute for Cleaning Sciences (AICS), CIMS and CIMS-GB focus on the essential elements of a well-run, customer-centered, and sustainable organization.
The means of compliance with CIMS are up to the individual organization for maximum flexibility. Those organizations that wish to achieve certification must undergo a comprehensive on-site assessment by a fully independent and accredited assessor who evaluates the organization’s compliance with the Standard.
Certification Process Overview |
CIMS Brochure |
Self-Assessment Compliance Checklist |
CIMS Fee Payment Policy |
CIMS-GB Criteria |
Free CIMS Webinar Available for Facility Service Providers |