501.372.6677 Little Rock
501.623.7742 Hot Springs
Myers Supply has consultants who are certified by CIRI (The Cleaning Industry Research Institute) and ISSA as ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 Assessors.
The ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 Schools establishes a framework to help schools objectively assess the effectiveness of the cleaning process at their facilities, thereby contributing to the quality of the indoor environment for the benefit of students and staff. The Clean Standard is based on the philosophy of "Clean, Measure, Monitor" and an emphasis on high-performance cleaning.
The Clean Standard: K-12 focuses on:
The desired levels of cleanliness that can reasonably be achieved;
Recommended monitoring and inspection procedures to measure the effectiveness of cleaning;
How to use the measurement and inspection results to assess and improve cleaning processes and products, ultimately resulting in a clean, healthy and safe learning
Measuring Cleaning Effectiveness
The ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 relies upon both objective and subjective components in setting forth a methodology for measuring cleaning effectiveness.
The Standard specifically provides “ranges of clean” based on ATP testing as well as sample audit forms.
The inclusion of ATP limits adds a quantitative to the determination, while the audits assist with a traditional “sight, smell, and touch” perspective.
The ultimate goal is to ensure that schools are in a condition that is clean, safe and healthy for students and staff.
More importantly, the ISSA Clean Standard calls for corrective actions in the event the school is not achieving the desired level of cleaning effectiveness.
download the K-12 Clean Standard
download the K-12 Audit Form: Long
download the K-12 Audit Form: Short